Focus on the people
not the paperwork.
Let your team focus on what matters – the students!
The TeachLink platform was designed to put more time back into a teacher’s day to spend teaching and engaging students. The tools were developed by educators who understand the stringent compliance regulations as a way to reduce paper and the stress of paperwork management through an easy, all-in-one tracking tool.
Discover our Features
Discipline Referrals
Understand your students
Teachers can easily submit discipline referrals, while administrators can promptly be alerted to and track the discipline referrals. TeachLink provides big picture visibility to monitor discipline referral trends to provide administrators with tools to get out ahead of the issues.
Evaluation Timeline
Complete evaluations with your teachers
Administrators and teachers alike can track evaluation progress with an overview of the goals for the full year and an easy-to-follow tracker that updates progress as goals are achieved. Administrators can easily see who needs an observation and what lessons are being taught for a target day to visit.
Lesson Planning
Plan & replan your day
Quickly bump a lesson forward or backward or extend a lesson plan based on live classroom experience or utilize lesson plans from past years for the current school year. With collaborator access, lesson plans can be shared with special education teachers to make accommodations for students with IEPs. And best of all, the cloud-based system can be access from home, during travel as well as the classroom!
Student Learning Objectives
Quantify your SLOs
Teachers set their classroom objectives based on state standards, enter their student data, and fill in the test scores. Teachers and administrators can easily see the student growth and adapt lesson plans and SLOs based on student progress.
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